Sequel to Wedding Blues.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Friday, October 21, 2016
Update (or 'Return of the Revenge of Episode 3')
Here is an update to let people know the present situation with regard to current (or rather half finished) projects. First of all, many thanks to all those people who have posted encouraging comments. I really feel I should answer at least some of them individually, but, on the other hand, also think I need to post some sort of update as a first priority.
Creation of the 'New Enforced Chastity' game went fairly smoothly, and I hope to release the non-evaluation (paid) version before the end of the year. With regard to LLP projects, I seem to have accumulated a lot of half completed artwork, and my motivation to finish it is at a bit of a low ebb. However, in the 'vacuum' that this has created, I've started working on Episode 3 in earnest. Now, I know some of you will be thinking "Yes, I've heard that before!", but this time I believe it's really going to happen. I can't face the long render times involved in using the Blender 'Cycles' render engine again, so I'm going to use Unreal Engine (like I did for the 'Snapper' video). Of course, that creates its own challenges (exporting meshes and animations from Blender, etc), but at least they're relatively fresh ones.
Incidentally, there's going to be a big new release of Blender (presumably next year) which will include realistic real time rendering similar to that in Unreal Engine. This will hopefully provide the best of both worlds, and be a big motivator with regard to future CG animations!
While I'm working on Episode 3, I also hope to produce a few single frame comics, i.e. one-off stuff that I can get finished within a few days, before my motivation runs out!
Creation of the 'New Enforced Chastity' game went fairly smoothly, and I hope to release the non-evaluation (paid) version before the end of the year. With regard to LLP projects, I seem to have accumulated a lot of half completed artwork, and my motivation to finish it is at a bit of a low ebb. However, in the 'vacuum' that this has created, I've started working on Episode 3 in earnest. Now, I know some of you will be thinking "Yes, I've heard that before!", but this time I believe it's really going to happen. I can't face the long render times involved in using the Blender 'Cycles' render engine again, so I'm going to use Unreal Engine (like I did for the 'Snapper' video). Of course, that creates its own challenges (exporting meshes and animations from Blender, etc), but at least they're relatively fresh ones.
Incidentally, there's going to be a big new release of Blender (presumably next year) which will include realistic real time rendering similar to that in Unreal Engine. This will hopefully provide the best of both worlds, and be a big motivator with regard to future CG animations!
While I'm working on Episode 3, I also hope to produce a few single frame comics, i.e. one-off stuff that I can get finished within a few days, before my motivation runs out!
Sunday, September 18, 2016
New Enforced Chastity Game: Evaluation Version Available!
I have created a new (Windows) ‘enforced
chastity game’ (called ‘Chastity Roulette’), a countdown timer application (‘Chastimer’),
and an electronic ‘strongbox’ for photographs (‘Photolockbox’). Photolockbox can
be used in conjunction with either Chastity Roulette or Chastimer. See the pdf
files below for detailed descriptions.
Saturday, August 6, 2016
A New Blog
The LLP universe, as I conceived it, includes both cuckolding and 'adjustment/deballing' (i.e. castration) aspects. While some people enjoy both, others find one or the other (especially 'deballing') a complete turn off. In order to deal with this in a way that I hope will satisfy all my visitors, I've created a new blog that concentrates solely on the 'deballing' side.
The benefit is that people know what to expect when they go to one blog or the other, and so they can choose which to visit according to their own taste. There's also a big advantage for me because it gives me free rein to produce full-on 'deballing' material on the other blog, without having to think I'm disappointing a large section of my audience.
Here's the link.
Thursday, July 28, 2016
An Update
This post is in response to a comment
asking for an update.
I’ve actually been doing a bit of stuff on
another topic over the past week or two. It may not be your thing (that is, it’s
about a spanking fantasy), but here’s a link. Please note that I uploaded it as
‘mature content’, so you’ll need a deviantart account to see it.
With regard to LLP, I seem to have a number
of half-finished projects (completely my fault, of course). The last thing I
was doing was ‘Honeymoon’, a sequel to ‘Wedding Blues’, and I’ll work on that
again when I’ve finished my current (non-LLP) project.
In the meantime, here’s an appetizer in the
form one of the illustrations from the story—poor Tom’s honeymoon isn’t going
quite as planned!
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Wedding Blues
This arose from a kind of doodle which grew into a bigger idea. I've tried to produce it relatively quickly (while my interest in the project was fresh), and limit the degree of detail in the less essential pictures. Hope you like it!
Friday, June 3, 2016
A Little GIFt (and a Terrible Pun)
I’ve been kind of multitasking on a number
of LLP related projects over the past few weeks, including a few initial
scripts for new stories (this is partly the product of several short business
trips that gave me the chance to make handwritten notes, but not produce
I’ve also been considering a solution for
those people who like the cuckold stuff, but are turned off by the castration aspects
of LLP. I’ve decided on an answer that I really like and that (I hope) will
please other people too (independent of whether they are ‘adjustment’
fans). More on that soon.
My ‘Gladiator’ project has grown much
larger (in terms of effort) than I originally intended, but I’m determined to
finish it. In the meantime, I’ve produced a gif image based on one of the
pictures in the story. Hope it gives you a giggle...
Thursday, June 2, 2016
New Home for (Old) 'Enforced Chastity' Game
I got a comment from someone who said that adverts on the hosting site were preventing them from playing the 'Enforced Chastity' Game. That's timely in a way, because I've just discovered an excellent hosting site that has no adverts. I may put up an embedded version of the game, but in the meantime you can play by clicking on the widget below:
P.S. I you like the game, please feel free to support it!
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Death & Injury in LLP
I’m currently working on a very short ‘comic’
regarding the gladiator that was briefly mentioned in ‘Eve of the Games’. This
is partly in response to a comment that I got about wanting to see some of the
gladiators’ profiles etc. The project has grown a little from what I originally
intended (which was a single picture only), but I’m still going to keep it
short. Please bear in mind that it’s not meant to be particularly erotic in
content; it was just an idea that appealed to me as worth exploring a little.
Furthermore, as I said, it’s only going to consist of a few pictures. The artwork is
taking a while to produce because some of my time is going into developing the
new enforced chastity game, and some into doing my next ‘real’ comic (of a type
like ‘Eve of the Games’ and ‘Kangaroo Court’). This will (probably) be called ‘Bathtime
Banter’ and will feature a wife and her stud doing the wild thing!
Anyway, getting back to the title of this
post, the concept of gladiatorial competitions with swords and other deadly
weapons got me thinking that I should explain about death and injury in LLP—there
isn’t any! With the exception of male guests losing their nuts and having their
penises reduced in size, it’s impossible to kill or injure yourself or others
in LLP. Of course, injury-like phenomena are
allowed when they contribute to the pleasure of some sexual activity (such as
the shiny, sore, red bottom that a woman might get when she’s spanked by her
stud!), but in general, injurious or destructive acts are prevented at source
(i.e., individuals are physically unable to perform such acts even if they will
themselves to do so).
In the context of gladiatorial
competitions, the world behaves much as it does in conventional video fighting
games. Weapons are deflected by armor but pass through flesh without injury, causing
only a spray of blood and thin scar (for “cosmetic” effect, and optional depending
on spectator sensibilities) which disappear within seconds. However, as might
be expected, such “injuries” leave the combatant stunned and weakened. Hence,
having your head “cut off” is not fatal, but will probably cost you your nuts!
Thursday, May 5, 2016
New Enforced Chastity Game
This is a post to let people know that I’m
currently working on a new ‘enforced chastity’ game. This is something that I’ve
been meaning to do for some time.
Incidentally, the post containing my first
enforced chastity game continues to be the most frequently accessed. For
instance, at time of writing, it has been accessed almost 7 times more than all
my other posts put together!
The new game will be different to the first
version in the following respects:
(1) The game will be a downloadable file
for PCs running Windows. I may also be able to create a limited functionality
browser based version (and possibly full versions for other devices and OSs) in
the future.
(2) The conditions of the game can be
configured in a ‘game parameter’ editor, so that the probability of success etc
can be adjusted.
(3) Although the rules of the game are
generally similar to those of the first version, I’ve changed them slightly to
make the game more flexible, allowing easy control (within the game parameter
editor) of (a) the probability of success, and (b) the likely range of the
waiting period till the next attempt. Another important change is that the game
can (optionally) be set such that the probability of success increases with
each attempt, allowing you, for example, to start from a 10% probability and
increase it up to 50% or more.
And most importantly:
(4) The game can encrypt and store a user
supplied photo (perhaps showing a digital lock combination, etc). Since this is
only revealed after the user ‘wins’ the game, the system provides a measure of
actual enforcement!*
With regard to my LLP stuff, although
program development is taking some time away from doing artwork, I’m still also
working on new LLP material. A good point about programming is that it’s quite different
from drawing, so when I get tired of one activity, I can transfer to the other.
*Let me state from the outset, however, that no one
using the program should place absolute reliance on it. I intend to include
functionality allowing the user to check that the photo has been stored
successfully, and to ensure—as far as possible—that the program works reliably.
However, I can’t give any guarantees. If (when it becomes available) you decide
to use the program, make sure you have some kind of ‘Plan B’ in case of a
problem occurring (such as your PC breaking down, or my game having some
obscure bug!) Anyway, I mustn’t get ahead of myself. I’m still developing the
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Kangaroo Court
Here's a story that I tried to do along the
same lines (with respect to the artwork) as 'Eve of the Games'.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Eve of the Games
This project evolved unexpectedly from an
attempt to do a picture in a quicker style. Apart from picture 12 (which kind
of represents the ‘climax’ of the story) I’ve made a deliberate effort to limit
the artwork to a less detailed, simpler style, especially in the places where
the dialog is more important than the pictures. As a result, I’ve been able to finish
the whole thing without the creation process becoming a drudge (which can often
happen when a project takes too long).
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Gerald's Big Day 1
This is a kind of continuation of the story of Diane and Gerald, who appeared in 'Pamphlets' (and nothing to do with the different Gerald who appeared in 'Poor Gerald' and 'The Party'!).
Monday, March 7, 2016
Consent Forms
This is a kind of 'spin off' from a pic I'm going to do continuing the story of the couple in 'Pamphlets'.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Poor Lucky Gerald
This is a 'motion comic' which grew out of a single picture that's going to feature in another comic ('The Party') that I'm working on. Since the artwork was originally only intended to feature as a kind of photo commented on by characters in 'The Party', it's a bit more limited (and perhaps more 'rough and ready') than some of my other stuff. It's also mainly just explanation, but hopefully embodies an amusing idea.
Anyway, now it's out of the way (I haven't had much time to work on it, so it seems to have been dragging on for ages), I can get on with 'The Party', which will include a fully animated section.
Anyway, now it's out of the way (I haven't had much time to work on it, so it seems to have been dragging on for ages), I can get on with 'The Party', which will include a fully animated section.
EDIT: Judging from the feedback, this post
seems to have been a disappointment to some people, so I thought a bit of
clarification would be a good idea. ‘Poor Lucky Gerald’ was actually intended
as a kind of footnote to ‘The Party’, which is the main (motion comic) project
that I’m working on at the moment. ‘The Party’ is quite erotic (or at least
explicit) in content, but ‘Poor Lucky Gerald’ (I’ll call it PLG) isn’t (visually)
explicit at all.
PLG started off as a single picture, and
grew into a kind of monologue giving some information about ‘adjustees’ and a
detailed explanation of a chastity game (plus a small twist at the end). My
idea was to upload PLG first, and then when people finally saw Gerald’s brief
appearance in ‘The Party’ it would strike a chord along the lines of, “Yeah, I
know all about that guy!”
However, partly because it was my first
post in some time, I think people were expecting PLG to be something bigger (in
terms of importance) than what was intended. So, to save anyone else from being
disappointed, a couple warnings:
1) ‘Poor Lucky Gerald’ is ‘all talk’ and ‘no
action’! It’s just intended as a kind of ‘aside’ to a related story.
And more importantly
2) This story contains explicit
mathematical formulas, and is not suitable for viewers of a non-arithmetic
disposition! J
Sunday, January 3, 2016
A One-Off Pic
I mentioned in a previous post that I’ve
generated a lot of half-finished work over the past few months. This picture is
a bit of an oddity in that it was meant to be part of a bigger project, but I
decided I didn’t really like the scenario, so it just got left floating in
isolation. Anyway, I thought it would be a shame not to use the artwork at all,
so I’ve turned it into a one-off ‘skit’.

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