Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Brief Word about 'Cuckahol'

I received a comment asking me about cuckahol, which was referred to in my “Short LLP Comic/Illustrated Story” post but not explained. In response, here is the back label from a bottle of cuckaholic wine. As in the case of many products, it’s definitely a good idea to “read the label carefully before use”!


  1. Absolutely Brilliant !!. All 3 effects are wonderful. Does it come in beer and harder stuff also or just wine ?

  2. Cuckahol is available in the form of any of the alcoholic drinks that exist in the real world, and the cuckahol content corresponds to the alcohol content of those drinks. Therefore, cuckaholic beer contains about 4% cuckahol, and whisky contains around 40%, etc.

  3. Has the island greenlit any experiments to develop Cuckajuana in the near future? Not in cigarette form, but in vaporizer form- they get the same effects, only enhanced, and that's as soon as they breathe it in, no matter where they are!

  4. The comment above gives me an idea, maybe some sort of gas to passify any white husbands who happen to think of rebelling?
