Friday, July 31, 2015

Episode 2.5

First, I’d like to thank everyone for their encouraging comments. They really are appreciated.

Here is Episode 2.5. It’s kind of a short extra, and not really part of the main narrative, but I liked the idea, and had done some work on it before my CG projects went into hibernation. Many of you will no doubt notice that the 'device' involved owes a big debt to a certain comedy movie of the 1970’s…

I’ve also been busy with something else. One of the big 'pains' involved in CG animation is the time it takes to render the final images. However, the real time rendering now available in some 3D games engines (especially Unreal 4), is already impressively realistic. Furthermore, these games engines make the creation of various environments, lighting and volumetric/particle effects (such as fire, smoke, fog, etc.) easier than in 'conventional' CG animation software. For that reason, as a kind of 'proof of concept', I’m creating another short animation using a combination of Blender and Unreal Engine. So, prepare to meet the cruel, disgusting, atrocious Snapper from the planet Adjustia! If all goes well with that, I’ll produce Episode 3 using the same animation pipeline.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Episode 2.5 Coming Soon

Apologies for the recent silence. I'm not very good at multitasking, so Visitors is on hold just now. I haven't been idle, though...