Saturday, February 1, 2014

A Blog of Interest

I've added a link to a blog called "A Cuckold's Life".

It's of particular interest to me in the sense of having parallels with my cuckold fantasy virtual world "Ladies' Love Paradise". Being pure fantasy, my world involves extremely advanced technology that's a long way from being developed. However, "A Cuckold's Life" is about cuckold experiences in Secondlife, which is probably the closest thing to a virtual world that current technology offers (at least on a widely available basis).


  1. I am into the whole sci fi, where they are here to take our women, that I find to be a form of cuckolding. in Mars Needs women, Yvonne Craig, freely gives her self to be used by Martians for breeding.

    the cockolding idea makes me think of, Dean Koontz's science fiction, book and film, Demond Seed. his first printing of the book came out in, 1973. the first edition is the one to read. the movie came out in 1977. he made a few revisions, and variations of the book over the years.

    if you haven't read it or seen the movie, the story is about a scientist, Fritz Weaver, who is the head of a government projet to builds a super computer, or artificial brain. apon completion, Proteus becomes self aware. Proteus wanted human specimens to study. Weaver is against the idea, and wont allow it.

    early on in the project, Weaver had installs a perifheral terminal in his computized home. while Dr. Weaver working on the Proteus project his is unaware that Proteus has full acess to his home system. Proteus wants to use Weaver's wife, as a specimen to study. this was an "R" rated film back in 1977. I didn't expect to see very much when I first saw it back then.

    the scene in the movie, Proteus begins by cutting off all this woman's clothing with a pair of power scissors. once she was completely naked, Proteus positions her body on the cold steel examining table. it forces her to open her mouth, and inserts an endoscopy down her throat. then after forcing her legs apart, Proteus begins to gently prob her anally with a proctosigmoidoscopy.

    later in the film, Porteus designs a phallus to impregnates the woman. in the book Proteus had given the prob a couple dry runs to test it. Dr. Weaver goes to his home to find out why the computer terminal was being acess by Proteus, and finds that his wife has conceived, Proteus' child. the child was a personification of Proteus.


  2. Thanks for your comment. I remember that movie! I've emailed you my impressions (and a question).
