Thursday, May 5, 2016

New Enforced Chastity Game

This is a post to let people know that I’m currently working on a new ‘enforced chastity’ game. This is something that I’ve been meaning to do for some time.

Incidentally, the post containing my first enforced chastity game continues to be the most frequently accessed. For instance, at time of writing, it has been accessed almost 7 times more than all my other posts put together!

The new game will be different to the first version in the following respects:

(1) The game will be a downloadable file for PCs running Windows. I may also be able to create a limited functionality browser based version (and possibly full versions for other devices and OSs) in the future.

(2) The conditions of the game can be configured in a ‘game parameter’ editor, so that the probability of success etc can be adjusted.

(3) Although the rules of the game are generally similar to those of the first version, I’ve changed them slightly to make the game more flexible, allowing easy control (within the game parameter editor) of (a) the probability of success, and (b) the likely range of the waiting period till the next attempt. Another important change is that the game can (optionally) be set such that the probability of success increases with each attempt, allowing you, for example, to start from a 10% probability and increase it up to 50% or more.

And most importantly:

(4) The game can encrypt and store a user supplied photo (perhaps showing a digital lock combination, etc). Since this is only revealed after the user ‘wins’ the game, the system provides a measure of actual enforcement!*

With regard to my LLP stuff, although program development is taking some time away from doing artwork, I’m still also working on new LLP material. A good point about programming is that it’s quite different from drawing, so when I get tired of one activity, I can transfer to the other.

*Let me state from the outset, however, that no one using the program should place absolute reliance on it. I intend to include functionality allowing the user to check that the photo has been stored successfully, and to ensure—as far as possible—that the program works reliably. However, I can’t give any guarantees. If (when it becomes available) you decide to use the program, make sure you have some kind of ‘Plan B’ in case of a problem occurring (such as your PC breaking down, or my game having some obscure bug!) Anyway, I mustn’t get ahead of myself. I’m still developing the software...


  1. Please could we have some type of "visual reward" in terms of when we succeed. For example a picture or jpg file that we can perhaps choose earlier that appears in a window(wife with another man for example), or even better intructions from a beautiful mistress as to when we are allowed to "release". I'd certainly prefer that to viewing the nano device around the mans crotch 100% of the time, if that one change was made i'd find it a lot more "usable"

    1. i agree. Also, perhaps add that same Mistress taunting the player for losing?

    2. Or a Master for those who are gay.

  2. Actually, my apologies, you've already covered the first part of my post above in that we can not only put a combination number on the photo but it could be a hot photo ready for the big day!
    Would still like some instructions from a hot mistress (with a "remove" option in case wives want to use their own image or keep the mistress neutral maybe?

  3. I love your articles and the LLP ongoing stories and in particular your game. If I may please ask - please consider MAC users for downloading the game, and also, allow for decreasing the likelihood of winning with each successive play - making it more difficult to win. After all, we keep playing hoping to get lower days of chastity, while our KeyHolder is expecting more days - months even - the more often we play....

  4. To me this project isn't worth the effort., but obviously if you enjoy it by all means.

  5. cannot wait.....

  6. Oh holy cow, I might have to download a virtual windows machine just to play this... this sounds amazing!

    1. I'm writing the game using a game engine that allows export to different platforms, so theoretically it shouldn't be difficult to create Mac and mobile versions. However, currently I only have access to a Windows PC, so I'm going to get everything working on the Windows version first.

  7. This is fantastic. I know it may be early to predict, but do you have an idea for when the launch date may be?

    1. I don't want to commit to a specific date, but progress is good. I'm not far off a prototype version that actually functions, but I still have a lot of work to do designing the look of the user interface, and making the game presentable.

  8. Hi Lamivex, can you also add a picture slideshow (from specific folder) during locked period. I would find that neat as it can be used for teasing... :) Keep up the good work

  9. Any update on this??

  10. Any update? Only the original game seems to be available.
