Wednesday, June 11, 2014

'Chastiring' Guide - Flash Animation

Here is a guide to the 'chasitirng' in the form of a flash animation. Naturally, the 'adjustment' aspect of my LLP fantasy is not to everyone's taste, but at least in my version of it, you won't see anything gory or violent. I'm thinking of creating another blog to deal with this aspect of the LLP world, as it's partly separate from the cuckold angle.

The guide itself is meant to lay down the background for various fantasy scenarios, so it's main purpose is to convey information. I've never produced a flash animation for the Web before, and the process has turned out to be quite fiddly. The animation seems to work for me, but I can only test it from my own connection. If you're just getting a blank space etc, please let me know.


  1. This is amazing! Extremely well done. I'd love to see you finish a story sequence where one of the husbands gets "adjusted". It would be nice to see him humiliated in front of the other intact guys, his own wife, and one of the black studs. Keep up the great work.

    1. Many thanks for your kind comments, and for taking the trouble to feature my stuff on your own site. It really is appreciated. As I mentioned in the post, I'm planning to create a separate blog dealing with the 'adjustment' side of my LLP fantasy. Please stay tuned!

    2. I like your fantasies a lot. Thank you for your very good work.

  2. Lamivex,

    I like it when you go all quiet - it means you're up to something good.

    Can't wait for the animations.


    1. Thanks as always. I'm planning on doing a short motion comic next - also using flash - which should be technically simpler, and also more fun.


    2. Lamivex,

      Can't help but wonder how you'll make the Flash animations part of the Webisodes?


    3. Could you maybe give me an example on the Web of an actual Webisode series of the type you have in mind? The genre doesn't matter, I'd just like to see an example of the format etc.

    4. Lamivex,

      There are many Art and Animation students who create samples of their work. Some make more that one short, so it develops into webisodes. The term is used for animation that is only available or starts on the web. A few have made it to Video or DVD. Do a search for "animated 3D webisode series", and then look for "video". Some are really good.

      The term webisodes also describe a long story arc, which is created a scene at a time. I'm hoping you will take us through the story of Susan and John in this way. (With suitable diversions.) Each scene will be great on its own, but put together will be even better. The different styles will also be part of the storytelling, as you have said before.

      I would imagine that combining a slide presentation with a mp4 file would be difficult. Flash is good for slideshows, but I don't think it is easy to combine into a film. I could be wrong. Anyway, one day I hope you'll have enough material for a half hour or hour film. (Created in five or ten minute chunks.)

      Good luck.


  3. I prefer tinyfication of the testicles also! It suits better to my taste. I find deballing violent! But it's always your fantasy!

    1. That idea has its own particular appeal for me too. It might be worth incorporating in the form of an 'alternative contract' under special circumstances. Such a contract would have to have some corresponding disadvantages however... I'd like to give it some more thought!

    2. It could be for willfully defiant husbands. In my mind, this would be punishment, since balls can be a great source of pain. Continued defiance could result in swelling of the balls; not with sperm, but with sensitive tissue that would be extremely vulnerable to even the slightest of impact!

  4. I enjoy the "sidelines", but I'm anxiously awaiting the third episode of LLP! Can't help getting hard and excited to the prospect of Susan getting "ruined" and humiliating her cuck at the same time!!!

    1. I'm working on a 'flash' comic at the moment, but when that's finished, I want a make a concentrated effort on the next John/Susan video.

  5. I'm such a huge fan of all your work (especially your videos on YouTube). Do you know when your next video/web update will be? (Hopefully soon). Thank you so much for your incredible work and I'm sure I speak for all of your fans in saying that we can't wait to what amazing anations you produce next!

    1. Thank you for your extremely kind message! I've written a short post giving a few details about my current project. After it's finished, I hope to concentrate on my YouTube animations for a while.


  6. Replies
    1. I've written a short post giving a few details.


  7. Have you thought about making a urethral insertable deactivator? For example, You earn a deactivator. It would then be inserted into the participants urethra when he is ready to use it. Then he can edge more aggressively earning more credits for the female. When the ejaculation takes place the deactivator would collect the discharge. This would exhaust the deactivator. Feel free to run with any ideas this may lead you too. I really enjoy your work. Cheers!

  8. i agree with the comment above, but that's just a personal preference.

    i do have a question, does cucktosterone render cuckahol obsolete, or can they be taken together?

    Also, how long does the tinyfication process take; is it immediate?

  9. i want that ring n that cuckosterone

  10. Any chance we can see a working version of this? I really loved seeing all the effects of de-balling.

    1. Flash stuff is really difficult to resurrect these days. I briefly looked into it before with little success. I may take another look when I have time.
