Thursday, July 24, 2014

Coming Soon (or at least next) - Motion Comic

I've received one or two messages asking about updates, so here are a few words on the 'state of play'.
At the moment, I'm working on a 'motion comic'. This is a short comic (a kind of skit, really) which I hope to create as a flash animation consisting mainly of still pictures, but also with a few moving ones. I originally thought that it would be a quick project, but the artwork is taking a long time to do, so it's dragging on somewhat.

I'd really like to get on with the next 'John & Susan' CG animation, but I know that if I continue with that now, the motion comic will never get finished...


  1. Thanks for the update. I am sure I speak for the others when I say our impatience is just a reflection of our admiration for your work.

  2. have a lot of fans we will just have to wait.

  3. When the comic is finished, I really want to get on with the next CG animation. In fact, I've been splitting my time between the comic and animation as a way of getting some variety. As far as the comic is concerned, I'm certainly going to revise my approach; the one I'm working on has involved too much effort in areas that probably don't contribute much to the final effect.

  4. I too admire your work. I just want to add that it is not 2 much fiction. Mobile phones always show where we are and collect other data, the cams can check our surrounding anytime, all the time data is collected on i.e. how long a sexy picture is looked at, devices like glasses and watches make it even easier to collect data always connected with Basic Information on the user. For example the heart rate could be monitored combined with what we see... Projects like "google brain" already exist. If the right algorithms or even artificial intelligence making use of this, it is very likely that ladies love paradies is a nice piece of future.

  5. I have found the John & Susan' CG animation more arousing than cuckolding porn movies, which has poor acting and no buildup of anticipation. I also find the interracial cuckold scene in the movie Bitter Moon more arousing than the cuckolding porn movies currently out there. I hope you will continue to publish because your work is getting noticed.

    1. Thank you for your kind comment.

      Although porn can be arousing, personally I find that the formula 'degree of explicitness' = 'degree of arousal' largely doesn't hold. I'm sure that's the case for many other people too.

      Especially in the case of cuckolding, a lot of the excitement comes from the relationships between the characters, and what they are thinking and feeling. These are essentially invisible, and can only be expressed indirectly through facial expression, words or gestures.

      However, in cuckold porn movies, the main focus is on explicit depiction of the sex itself, so that the"character development" aspect of the scene is inadequate or almost none existent. Maybe it's for that reason that (to me at least) porn movies usually seem to "miss the point" of the cuckold fantasy.
